Detour: Stranded in Sac

Dear friends – we have discovered three tiny, raised-bed garden boxes here at our corporate, business-class hotel.

Farm-to-table at…. The DoubleTree?!?

The chef uses all he can from the fresh herbs, tomatoes, corn and even squash in the cuisine served here.

It’s a small, encouraging story we’ve found while we are literally stranded after A Little Further was crashed into on Interstate 5 over a week ago.

We have spent hours each day communicating with insurance companies, repair shops and doctors, in addition to trying to get through daily life with our pups while our tour bus is in the shop.

Thank you to all who are following and supporting us with a helping hand, your words, your time spent visiting us on Facebook or reading our blog. It means the world and has lifted our spirits. Our friend Handsome Dan, the King of Sacramento, Esq., has been the biggest help of all by sheltering us for a few days where we would have otherwise been literally homeless. We did some cooking for him…

Being stranded, in pain, and unable to continue our mission as-planned has been one of the most stressful things we have ever experienced. Though we aspire to be self-sufficient, we have been at the mercy of impersonal, indifferent corporations in order to return home before the next leg of our quest.

We have thoroughly explored the dynamic between the independence we crave and the interdependence necessary to make the world go ’round.

After nearly two weeks we are finally starting to get a real response from some helpful representatives at our insurance company.

Now, more than ever, we long for our future farm — Wherever it may be, we hope it can wait for us a little bit longer.

We unfortunately have had to restructure our trip, but we will be back on the road as soon as we can.

-Kristina & David-

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